Download the newsletter and read about the recent Tulsa ARRA Convention, ARRA’s 2023 Student Grants, Pearl Harbor Memorial Parade in Honolulu and much more!

Download the newsletter and read about the recent Tulsa ARRA Convention, ARRA’s 2023 Student Grants, Pearl Harbor Memorial Parade in Honolulu and much more!
“The War made me live better, it really did. My sister always said that Hitler was the one that got us out of white folk’s kitchen.”
Quote by Fanny Christina “Tina” Hill, from book Rosie The Riveter Revisited, Women, The War, and Social Change, by Sherna B. Gluck
The need for millions of women workers during WWII permanently altered society’s ideas about child care.
Download the newsletter and read about the upcoming ARRA Convention, ARRA’ Student Grant winner, Honolulu Chapter addition and much more!
Join us at the ARRA Convention in Tulsa, Oklahoma! June 10, 11, 12, 2022. Book your room at the Hyatt Regency Tulsa and register today!
Just about every aspect of American life was effected by WWII and sports was no exception.
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As we look to another holiday season with servicemen and women stationed abroad, it evokes the seasonal songs written during WWII. Soldiers and their families, separated often by thousands of miles, listened to songs like White Christmas and I’ll Be Home for Christmas, and dreamt of the day they would be reunited with their loved … read more »
Nylons, which were first introduced by DuPont at the 1939 New York World’s Fair, went on sale May 15, 1940. Not to be confused with panty hoses that weren’t introduced until the 1960s , nylons were a huge success and DuPont sold an incredible 64 million pairs in its first year. But as WWII raged … read more »
The relatively new use of radio played an important role in both World Wars, but it took broadcasters and the US government until the 1940s to harness the use of this far-teaching tool and bring the war into American’s homes and unite the nation.
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Most of us have heard of Wonder Woman, the most popular female comic book superhero of all time. She was created by Harvard-educated psychologists William Moulten Marsten and H. G. Peter and introduced in All-Star Comics in October 1941. By early 1942 Wonder Woman was on the cover of a new comic book, Sensation Comics. … read more »