Protecting the Home Front

Posted May 14, 2021 & filed under Latest News, Rosie & WWII History.

The Office of Civil Defense (OCD) was originally established under the President as part of the Office of Emergency Preparedness in May 1941. It was created to coordinate state and federal measures to protect citizens in case of war emergencies. The federal government sponsored public service announcements to promote participation in the drills and blackouts … read more »

Betty Crocker: WWII’s Home Front Helper

Posted April 14, 2021 & filed under Latest News, Rosie & WWII History.

Betty Crocker was created by Marjorie Husted in 1921 as the face of the Washburn-Crosby flour milling company.  Betty Crocker served an important role in the company, serving as correspondent to their consumers seeking information and advice.  In 1924 Betty Crocker became the spokeswoman for the company’s daytime radio “BC Cooking School of the Air,” … read more »

The USO: A Home Away From Home

Posted January 29, 2021 & filed under Latest News, Rosie & WWII History.

I recently purchased a used book on EBay, Good Girls, Good Food, Good Fun: the Story of USO Hostesses During World War II by Meghan K. Winchell. I was both excited and sadden when I opened it and read the inscription dated Dec. 2017. “Dear Denice, I hope this book will act as a reminder … read more »

Rosies Rally ‘Round the Troops

Posted April 23, 2020 & filed under .

During World War II, Rosies supported the Troops by writing letters to support our men and boost morale.  Rosies also helped to supply troops by knitting and sewing much-needed hats, gloves, and vests that were needed immediately when war was declared. Just like Rosie did before, we are writing letters to our Armed Forces who … read more »

Thanksgiving, New York, 1942-44 Macy’s Cancels its Thanksgiving Day Parade for the War Effort

Posted November 20, 2019 & filed under Latest News, Rosie & WWII History.

Just after Thanksgiving, on Dec. 7, 1941, the unthinkable happened. Pearl Harbor was bombed… America was thrust into WWII. Countless men, young and not so young, joined the armed forces. Women served in the Red Cross and took factory jobs to help keep tanks and airplanes rolling off the assembly lines.   On Nov. 13, … read more »

Rosie Congressional Medal Bill Needs Support

Posted October 3, 2019 & filed under Latest News.

ROSIE THE RIVETER CONGRESSIONAL GOLD MEDAL ACT OF 2019 WE NEED YOUR HELP TO MAKE IT HAPPEN! A bill to collectively award our Rosies a Congressional Gold Medal has been introduced in Congress.  We need more Senators on board—with your help! The House version, H.R. 1773, has 291 co-sponsors to date and had a motion … read more »

Rosies Rock Kansas City!

Posted August 17, 2017 & filed under Latest News.

Thirty Rosies, plus many family members and guests, traveled from 23 states to Kansas City, Missouri, June 9-11, 2017 for the 19th annual convention of the American Rosie the Riveter Association. In addition to good fellowship and meeting old and new friends, the group elected officers, conducted business, and enjoyed presentations on several World War … read more »

Rosie Stories Book 7 Stepping Up for Victory Tina Rongstad Falk

Tina Rongstad Falk: Coffee, Cookies and Conversation

Posted August 11, 2017 & filed under .

Tina Rongstad was the 10th of ten children born in Pinewood, Minnesota to Norwegian immigrants.  All her siblings were first generation Norwegian-Americans.  Her mother joked that she had so many children she started to number them; for example – Nina (#9) and Tina (#10).  “I was born in a log cabin on the farm.  We … read more »

March 21, 2017 is National Rosie the Riveter Day!

Posted March 20, 2017 & filed under Latest News.

Congratulations to all the Rosies!!! Tuesday, March 21, 2017, is officially National Rosie the Riveter day. It passed through the Senate! Grab your Rosies and CELEBRATE! Use your creativity! Call the media! Give out Roses, plant a flower, ring a bell, gather for lunch, go to a school, give a Rosie book to a library…what … read more »


Posted February 12, 2017 & filed under Latest News.

We can just about guarantee you’ll be glad you came, if you’ll join us for the American Rosie the Riveter Association’s 19th annual Convention/Reunion! Make your plans now to meet Rosies, Rosebuds, Rivets, Friends, and guests from all over the country as we converge on Kansas City, Missouri on June 9-11, 2017. Kansas City is … read more »