Participant Info

Membership Number
First Name
"Randy" Randolph
Last Name
Address 1
8515 Costa Verde Boulevard Apt #708
Address 2
c/o Randy Tidmore
San Diego
Zip Code
Work Code #
Date of Birth
Date of Death
Deceased At Join?
By 1943, everyone around her was doing something to support the war effort. She and her best friends wanted to be part of it, and the four decided to become Rosies together, moving to Rockford, Illinois, to work at the J.I. Case Company, a farm equipment manufacturer that was producing airplane parts for the war. Randy worked on B-26 wings for six months before enlisting in the Marine Corps in Chicago alongside one of her closest friends, Mo.
Name/Location of Company Worked
J I Case - Rockford, IL
Dates of Work
June 1943-Dec 1943
Type of Work
Attached the Gap Covers not he leading edges of the B26; By 1943, everyone around her was doing something to support the war effort. She and her best friends wanted to be part of it, and the four decided to become Rosies together, moving to Rockford, Illinois, to work at the J.I. Case Company, a farm equipment manufacturer that was producing airplane parts for the war. Randy worked on B-26 wings for six months before enlisting in the Marine Corps in Chicago alongside one of her closest friends, Mo.
Rosie Name if Rb or Rv
Is/Was Rosie a member of ARRA?
Contact Name (Deceased Rosie Contact)
Contact Email Address
Contact Phone Number