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Celebrated 100th birthday on May 2, 2021 (newsletter story Fall 2021); Sherrow was just out of her teens when she was playing a pinball machine hoping to win a free hamburger at the Lunch Box restaurant in Maryville, Mo. It was Dec. 7, 1941, and she learned of the attack on Pearl Harbor. When she and her friend Winnie, a softball teammate, saw a Morton Aircraft ad promising employment after graduation from its training, they enrolled. It was an opportunity to earn more money and help their country. A poster of Katie as Rosie the Riveter. Serving her country was important to Katie. Two of her four brothers were already in the military, and she knew her twin brothers also would serve when old enough. At Morton Aircraft, Katie and Winnie learned to rivet as a team and were placed with United Airlines in Cheyenne, Wyo., where they repaired aircraft damaged in combat. “Sometimes as you viewed the bloodstains and bullet holes,” Katie remembers, “you felt you were close to the war zone. One B-17 Flying Fortress was estimated to have 500 bullet holes.” Shortly after the bus transporting them to work broke down in a blizzard, they learned that Lockheed planned to hire women for its mechanized line in Burbank, Calif. They headed west.
Name/Location of Company Worked
Morton Aircraft
Dates of Work
Type of Work
Rosie Name if Rb or Rv
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