The deadline is almost here for this year’s ARRA Student Grants. Students (girls or boys) in grades 9-12 may apply for these $100 grants. Students may use books, the Internet, personal interviews, and other sources to research the contributions of Rosies—perhaps including a family member—during WW II. The presentation could include drama, displays, music, original video, PowerPoint, or other multimedia methods, etc. It should be presented at least two times to groups such as a history class, civic club, senior center, National History Day contest, etc. Each grant recipient will receive half the grant when his/her application is accepted, and the remaining half when the final report is received. These grants are especially perfect for students working on a History Day project, but any student willing to meet the criteria can qualify. Help us get the word out to teachers, History Day coordinators, grandchildren, etc. that these are available! Request an application or obtain more information by contacting Carol Cain at carolcain007@gmail.com, or write to 112 Sunny Point Circle, LaGrange, GA 30240. But don’t delay — completed applications are due March 1, 2017!