Calling all Rosies.
Jody Valet, Missouri director of the American Rosie the Riveter Association, is conducting a local Rosie roundup.
Valet has helped prepare the new documentary “We Can Do It: Stories of Rosie the Riveter” about the women who worked at Kansas City area defense factories during World War II. That film will premiere at the Truman Library on July 11, and some of the “Rosies” who appeared in it will be on hand to greet visitors.
But Valet also is compiling 1940s-era photographs of all the Kansas City-area Rosies she can find.
These images — along with the names of the Rosies and the places where they worked — will be continuously displayed in a video presentation at the library on July 11.
Valet invites area Rosies or their family members to contact her so their photographs can be included.
“If there are any more Rosies out there, we’d love to have them,” Valet said.
“The courage and patriotism and ‘we can do it’ attitude of the Rosies really opened up a world of possibilities for future generations. They showed that women can do a lot.”
To be included, contact Valet at 816-680-0018 or at jhvalet@aol.com.
To reach Brian Burnes, call 816-234-4120 or send email to bburnes@kcstar.com.
Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/news/local/article25135396.html#storylink=cpy