Rationing on the Homefront

Posted February 3, 2020 & filed under Latest News, Rosie & WWII History.

Less than a month after Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor the federal government’s War Production Board issued an order that all production of civilian cars and trucks must cease. The last official day was February 22, 1942 (Although the last Ford car for private use rolled off the assembly line on February 10th.) Almost overnight … read more »

Thanksgiving, New York, 1942-44 Macy’s Cancels its Thanksgiving Day Parade for the War Effort

Posted November 20, 2019 & filed under Latest News, Rosie & WWII History.

Just after Thanksgiving, on Dec. 7, 1941, the unthinkable happened. Pearl Harbor was bombed… America was thrust into WWII. Countless men, young and not so young, joined the armed forces. Women served in the Red Cross and took factory jobs to help keep tanks and airplanes rolling off the assembly lines.   On Nov. 13, … read more »

Education Grants

Posted November 15, 2019 & filed under .

Student Grant As part of preserving history, we encourage students in grades 6-12 (both girls and boys) to apply for ARRA Student Grants of $100 each.  To qualify, the student must create and present at least twice a factual, original presentation about Rosies, such as for a school assignment, a National History Day project, a civic or … read more »

Rosie Congressional Medal Bill Needs Support

Posted October 3, 2019 & filed under Latest News.

ROSIE THE RIVETER CONGRESSIONAL GOLD MEDAL ACT OF 2019 WE NEED YOUR HELP TO MAKE IT HAPPEN! A bill to collectively award our Rosies a Congressional Gold Medal has been introduced in Congress.  We need more Senators on board—with your help! The House version, H.R. 1773, has 291 co-sponsors to date and had a motion … read more »