Would you like to start a Rosie chapter in your area? It only takes enthusiasm and four people! Contact our Vice-President for Expansion, Bette Kenward (Rosebud, MI), at 586-295-0417 or expansionARRA@gmail.com.
- Alabama
- Birmingham, Nell Branum 205-706-3447
- Arizona
- Sun City, Carol Ruda
- California
- Orange County, CA Michele Pisa-Jones 714-833-0099/ Chapter Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/OCRosies
Redwood Empire, CA, Nancy Sandborn 707-823-9536
- Florida
- Naples, Dr. Lois Bolin 239-777-2281
- Georgia
- Atlanta, Jean Ousley 770-972-8339
- Rome, Jennifer Kearns 706-409-0946
- Atlanta, Jean Ousley 770-972-8339
- Hawaii
- Honolulu Chapter, Jan Davis 808-222-6124 / Chapter website: honolulurosies.org / Chapter Facebook: Facebook.com/HonoluluRosies
- Maryland
- Baltimore, Debi Wynn 443-452-8734
- Laurel, Ann Marie Miller 301-498-3397
- Massachusetts
- Worcester County, Massachusetts Chapter, Tina Sunden
- Michigan
- Cheboygan & Emmet County Chapter, Linda Rogers 231-818-2878 or/ Chapter Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/100057257537828
- Michigan Willow Run Chapter in Ypsilanti
- Kent County Michigan Chapter, Mindy Thomas 616-990-0847
- Southgate Chapter, Brenda Presnell 734-272-9570
- Mississippi
Jackson, MS Chapter, Casey Holcombe 830-499-1893
- Oregon
- McKenzie Chapter in Lane County, Yvonne Fasold 541-343-4223/ Cell 541-953-0394
- Tennessee
- Clarksville Chapter, Laurie Ranta 615-945-1879
- Texas
- Amarillo Chapter, Kitty O’Cairre 806-420-2584
- Central Texas, Susan Stewart 512-422-3941
- Fort Worth Chapter, Leslie Garvis
- North Dallas Chapter, Jamie Seibert
- Utah
- Wasatch Front Chapter, Jenney Rees 801-358-8730
- Vermont
- Village of Bellows Falls, VT, M. Ellen Jones 802-387-2319
- West Virginia
- Fayette County WV Chapter, Rosie Smith 304-541-1464
- Orange County, CA Michele Pisa-Jones 714-833-0099/ Chapter Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/OCRosies