Iris Mahone Clemmons and Margaret Wasson (on B-25 wing) at North American Aviation in Kansas City, KS.
Please know that if your Rosie is deceased, you can still honor her memory by registering her in our Rosie Registry. Her name and information will be recorded in our archives to preserve her contribution to American history for future generations. By registering your deceased Rosie it is also a way for us to connect your Rosie to her descendants. Her certification as a Rosie will be sent to you. Please help us ensure that the contribution of every volunteer and working woman of World War II will be recorded in history.
Enroll your Rosie in ARRA’s Deceased Rosie Registry:
Click here to download an application, enclose check payable to ARRA and mail to:
Jan Davis
Vice President for Membership
1311 Wilhelmina Rise
Honolulu, HI 96816
Email: membershiparra@rosietheriveter.net
Please note that if you are joining your WWII Rosie or WWII Rosie Volunteer posthumously to be recorded in our Deceased Rosie Registry, that your application is for her only. To become a Member yourself, and we joyfully recommend you do, please join yourself separately in the appropriate membership category. Your membership entitles you to our quarterly newsletter detailing ARRA doings across the country, email notifications, and an invitation to our ARRA Annual National Convention!