Clara Doutly at 101

Clara Doutly is a lifelong Detroiter as well as a WWII Rosie the Riveter. At age 100, she shares memories of life as an African-American Rosie at Briggs Manufacturing in the 1940s and some of her amazing
experiences as an honored Rosie.

The American Rosie the Riveter Association’s Michigan Willow Run Chapter and the MotorCities National Heritage Area got together to capture Clara’s experiences on videotape, with the Arsenal of Democracy exhibit at the Detroit Historical Museum as a backdrop. Interviewing Clara are ARRA’s Jeannette Gutierrez and Clara’s good friend Katie Moylan. MCNHA’s Brian Yopp acted as videographer and video editor, and chimed in with questions. The resulting video will be archived and used by several prestigious historical museums and organizations in the area.

Clara’s unique wartime experience and her positivity, wisdom and humor are well worth preserving!