We can just about guarantee you’ll be glad you came, if you’ll join us for the American Rosie the Riveter Association’s 19th annual Convention/Reunion! Make your plans now to meet Rosies, Rosebuds, Rivets, Friends, and guests from all over the country as we converge on Kansas City, Missouri on June 9-11, 2017. Kansas City is a wonderful destination city, and the fellowship and fun is definitely unbeatable. What a great chance to honor our Rosies who are living, remember our Rosies who have left us, and celebrate the legacy these amazing women have provided for us all. We have a great program planned, including an unforgettable afternoon at the Truman Presidential Library. History is anything but dull at a Rosie convention! Bring a framed tabletop picture (from the 1940’s would be great) of yourself or your Rosie for our display, if you like. Don’t forget to put a label on it, telling name and place of Rosie work. See you in KC! Click here for details about the convention and to register!