On Labor Day, Monday, September 5, 2016, we have the opportunity to participate in a nationwide happening called:
“Ring Your Bell for Rosies!”
This movement is sponsored by one of ARRA’s partners called “Thanks, Plain and Simple,” a non-profit organization based in West Virginia that is dedicated to honoring Rosies and preserving their legacy.
Rosie groups and others across the United States and even in other nations will be ringing bells at exactly the same time — the stroke of 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Monday, September 5, 2016 — as a way to show support for Rosies and the freedom that they worked so hard to preserve.
Rosie groups and others across the United States and even in other nations will be ringing bells at exactly the same time — the stroke of 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Monday, September 5, 2016 — as a way to show support for Rosies and the freedom that they worked so hard to preserve.
The “Thanks, Plain and Simple” group will be ringing a special bell – a carillon located in Arlington, Virginia, that was given to the United States by The Netherlands as a way of saying thank you for our help in liberating that country during World War II.
But others will be joining in at the same moment on ships, at museums, at schools, on farms, on trains, and more. A partial list of locations can be found on the Thanks Plain and Simple website at http://www.thanksplainandsimple.org. You can check to see if there is a location near you.
But you can also ring your bell right where you are! This will be an extraordinary way to celebrate the Rosie legacy.
Any kind of bell will do – cowbell, church bell, school bell, dinner bell, even a jingle bell! You choose the place to ring your bell – by yourself, or maybe with family and friends during a Labor Day celebration, or perhaps you’ll want to plan a gathering for your community. Whatever you choose, it doesn’t have to be a long or elaborate ceremony, just a way to honor Rosies and freedom. And remember – the time is 1:00 p.m. Eastern time, on Monday, September 5.
Then do one more thing, please – send a quick note to the Editor of our ARRA newsletter and let her know you rang a bell! We’d like to list the participating places, groups, and individuals in an upcoming issue of the newsletter, and we’ll also let the “Thanks, Plain and Simple” folks know. Send a note to Nell Branum at nellbran@yahoo.com by September 15, 2016. A photo would be nice too, if you have it.
So help us spread the word – we received this information too late to announce it in our last newsletter, but we are getting the word out through online resources. Tell someone you know!
Ring Your Bell for Rosies!