Student Grant
As part of preserving history, we encourage students in grades 6-12 (both girls and boys) to apply for ARRA Student Grants of $100 each.
To qualify, the student must create and present at least twice a factual, original presentation about Rosies, such as for a school assignment, a National History Day project, a civic or senior group, or other. The presentation could be about a specific Rosie, such as a family member, or about Rosies in general. Creative methods (original slide shows or videos, displays, skits, etc.) should be used.
To request an application, contact American Rosie the Riveter Association Student Grants Chairman, Carol Cain (click here to contact Carol.) Applications are due on March 1 of each year for the following year’s grant cycle.

Past ARRA Student Grant Winners: Makenna W. (pictured at left), a Michigan student in twelfth grade, created a PowerPoint and a mock airplane assembly line to accompany her presentation about the Rosies and her great-grandmother, Ruby Miles Billmeyer, who worked at the Willow Run Bomber Plant. Carly B. (pictured at right), an eighth-grader from Colorado, made her National History Day project all about the Rosies! She created a wooden display to accompany her presentation. She advanced to the regional competition, where she presented again. Her school is keeping her exhibit as a model.
Public Library Grant
ARRA is offering 20 Rosie the Riveter book grants for public libraries across the country.
Approved applicants will receive 3 Free Rosie the Riveter biography books written by and about women who worked and volunteered on the home front during World War II (published by ARRA) for public libraries that create a Rosie the Riveter program.
Please click here to print an application. Please EMAIL your application for review (or questions) to Education Grant Chair, Jody Valet, at