Less than a month after Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor the federal government’s War Production Board issued an order that all production of civilian cars and trucks must cease. The last official day was February 22, 1942 (Although the last Ford car for private use rolled off the assembly line on February 10th.) Almost overnight … read more »
Latest News
In World War II America, Female Santas Took the Reins
World War II brought many changes to Christmas traditions on the home front. Many Americans replaced freshly chopped trees with new American-made artificial Visca trees. They threw away their German and Exotic Japanese made decorations and bought Shiny Brite ornaments made by Corning Glass Works in New York or created homemade ornaments. Families put together … read more »

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Thanksgiving, New York, 1942-44 Macy’s Cancels its Thanksgiving Day Parade for the War Effort
Just after Thanksgiving, on Dec. 7, 1941, the unthinkable happened. Pearl Harbor was bombed… America was thrust into WWII. Countless men, young and not so young, joined the armed forces. Women served in the Red Cross and took factory jobs to help keep tanks and airplanes rolling off the assembly lines. On Nov. 13, … read more »

Rosie Congressional Medal Bill Needs Support
ROSIE THE RIVETER CONGRESSIONAL GOLD MEDAL ACT OF 2019 WE NEED YOUR HELP TO MAKE IT HAPPEN! A bill to collectively award our Rosies a Congressional Gold Medal has been introduced in Congress. We need more Senators on board—with your help! The House version, H.R. 1773, has 291 co-sponsors to date and had a motion … read more »

Labor Day 2019
3 World War II Rosies Doris, Florence, and Opal are in the center, ringing an antique Swiss bell. Joining them (L to R) are Rivet Larry, Rosebud Yvonne, 21st Century Rosie Lenore, Rivet & Viet Nam Veteran Clyde, and Rosebud Luella. Bells rang in Springfield, Oregon, as members of McKenzie Chapter gathered to “Ring a Bell for the Rosies” as … read more »

ROSIE’S MAIL CALL Volume 20 Issue 3 – 3rd Quarter, 2019
CLICK HERE to download the newsletter and read all about the Bettendorf, IA convention and get the latest Rosie news!

“Spirit of ’45 Day”
Tribute Rosies with Rosies Ada-Wyn and Opal. Courtesy of Colleen Nichols. “Rosebuds in training” Taylor, Emily, and Ava with Rosies Dorene, Doris and Opal. Courtesy of Colleen Nichols. August 14, 2019, Aurora, Oregon “Spirit of ’45 Day”, sponsored by Oregon Spirit of ’45 and the Vital Life Foundation: A day of gratitude for our country’s heroes, honoring … read more »

JULY 4th PARADE, Creswell, OR
Large and enthusiastic crowds cheered for our Rosies, Rosebuds and Rivets!

ROSIE’S MAIL CALL Volume 20 Issue 1 – 1st Quarter, 2019
Register now! Learn about Rosie Convention, June 2019!
Learn about our 2019 convention and Rosie activities!
Rosie’s Mail Call is now posted on this website under Membership and then Newsletters. Check it out!

New Rosie Calendar!
Washington Women in Trades unveiled the 2019 Rosie Calendar at their Dream Big Dinner in Des Moines, Washington on Saturday November 3. Rosies in attendance, left to right were Terry Glenn, Helen Burlingham, Anne Olsen, Dorene Ronning, Opal Neson, Nita Eggers, and Dolly Marshall. Oregon Rosies travelled to Seattle on the Amtrak train for the … read more »