Our American Rosie the Riveter Association Annual Convention in Nashville, Tennessee June 13 – 16, 2024 was a huge success, with eleven WWII Rosie the Riveters in attendance! It was held at the glorious Inn at Opryland resort. Pre-convention Day on Thursday featured a press and community Rosie Meet and Greet, since the Rosies are genuine celebrities!
On Friday, ARRA members from across the country checked in, connected with friends, old and new, and enjoyed another meet and greet with press and community, followed by an evening Nashville Nightlife Dinner Show. Saturday began with a Rosie Breakfast where the Rosies could get to know each other better, included a trip to the Nashville Parthenon and continued Rosie revelry, and culminated with Rosies walking the red carpet at our ARRA gala dinner banquet with a live big band orchestra. Sunday was the final day of convention and started with a non-denominational worship service followed by a White Rose Memorial Ceremony and luncheon at the Tennessee State Museum.
Meantime, ARRA volunteer leadership met to discuss and plan how to further ARRA’s mission to provide fellowship for the Rosies, their descendants, and everyone who appreciates Rosie, while preserving Rosie’s important legacy.
Many thanks to organizer Laurie Ranta of the ARRA Clarksville Chapter and her team, who did a great job of planing the convention this year. Rosies, Rosebuds, Rivets, 21st Century Rosies, and Friends of Rosie all had a boot-scootin’ good time in Nashville, and are looking forward to next year’s Annual American Rosie the Riveter Association (ARRA) convention!
For the latest news on plans for our 2025 Convention, visit our Convention Page (click here.)